Friday, September 23, 2011

Productive Penny ( in honor of Penny the Pontiac, may she rest in peace)

I made a Halloween wreath, cake ball pops, some fancy wall decor & dinner all during Wyatt's nap! 
Shout out to Pinterest & sleep training.  Couldn't have done it without ya!  {insert supermom emoticon here}

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm going to make a sincere effort to keep up with this bloggy blog. 

First I have to write about how I woke up this morning.  It was glorious.  First I heard the Pledge of Allegiance on the intercom system at the middle school across the street.  It wasn't loud, just nice.  And then I heard sweet baby Wyatt laughing and squealing in his crib.  Love that kid.  And I LOVE when he sleeps in till 9. 

Mornings are the absolute best.  Actually, anytime right after he wakes up is really enjoyable.  But I think mornings are my favorite because we're both still in our pajamas. 

Speaking of jamas...